
Monday, 5 December 2016

20. blog post ENG


Beauty of re-used rice bags and worn out Coke bottles

Dia is a young woman who is aware of cosequences of human activities on the environment and wellbeing. She lives a life of a student of History of arts in Brno. She came to our recent workshop on social innovation with three original backpacks handmade from rice bags, the outcome of her personal project, and with a question: How to make people more aware of the consequences of their actions and how to raise their interest in undertaking beneficial change? 

She has been making her personal contribution which has a potential to inspire people and stirr other contextual thinking. In her project she has given a life into her idea which has a great potential to be developed further into a social innovation: linking communities, giving them a purpose of reducing the hardship on the environment, even bringing them back to long forgotten practices of reasonable intake and waste management. It matters a lot to people. I got impressed by the evidence of that last week at a coffee chat: my friend was talking about her trip to Phillippines and with deep respect, she described how the locals living in the countryside treat empty Coke bottles. Imagine!, she said with eyes shining with admiration, every a week a poor man from a distant mountain village takes an old motorbike to transport a pile of empty Coke bottles to a collecting point. There he waits for even hours for a collector to hand away his burden and then travels back on gravel trails in the heats. It takes him almost half a day! Without probably knowing, these simple tiny always smiling Phillippines add a great value to the reused coke bottles – when drinking Coke, you can enjoy the beauty of worn out glass as ell as the warm feeling of being among true community carers.

1) What had to happen so that you made your first back pack?
First of all there was a present given to me by my parents. It appeared to be 10 kg of jasmine rice in such a cool package that the idea of its reuse came on its own. Its load capacity was sufficient and its size just the backpack-like. So I sat at a sewing machine at home and in a short while, a prototype was on.

2) What was the most difficult part of the realisation?
The toughest part was the initial period before I bought my own sewing machine. Till then I had to use my parent´s old one which wasn´t very reliable. All operations took me twice as long which was quite frustrating. Also the technical solution for the cut as well as sewing itself gave me hard time at the beginning. Making a backpack is considered simple, yet I had to learn not to get too upset while working out the ways to sew the material which is not fabric.

3) Which part of this experience do you value most?
I managed to make a functional product in a process which is actually the opposite to conventional production. It means a lot to me and I enjoy seeing my friends wearing my backpacks quite often and being satisfied with them. Thanks to this project I got the opportunity to hold my first public workshop on backpack making. I received plenty of wonderful feedback and found out that there were a lot of people out there who would love to learn making backpack from rice bags. I have also realised that I am capable to share my know-how with them in a few hours. A skillful workshop participant can after two hours leave with her own hand made back pack.

4) Who participates on the realisation?
My great friend Anička who is by far my most reliable supplier of rice bags. She always … some at the Asian market. I am the only backpack maker so far as I only offer the backpacks in the circle of my friends or to a number of individuls who spot my backpack on someone´s back and wish to have one as well.

5) In which way this product is innovative?
In the narrowest sense, innovation is in reusing a package, i.e. rice bag, which would either be thrown away or, in the best of cases, would be used for a little bit longer as a durable bag for whatever. If a more complex product is made of such a package, i.e. backpack, the life of the thing-to-be dumped is prolonged substantially. What is more – it is not necessary that a similarly functional product is produced on the other side of the planet and transported all way long to a distant place. We can simply use resources around us in an anti-consuming way.

6) In what way is you project beneficial?
I firmly believe that most of the key challenes humans have created on the Earth and which we are now facing, are rooted in vast overproduction and consumming. My initiative my just be a small part of the whole mosaic but I believe in synergy of all similar projects which exist – humans will gradually revise their actions and start behave more sustainably towards themselves as well as the environment.

7) How do you plan to develop this innovation?
In the near future, I am going to launch a simple web site displaying the actual backpacks for sale. Anyone interested will be able contact me. I would like to develop the workshops more which looks promising – in the spring there are going to be some more.

8) What would be your message to the people who would like to realise a beneficial idea?
It is quite difficult not to repeat a cliche. In simple words – just go for it! See ideas in contexts and inspire people!

Text Anna
Photo Polina

This blog is a part of the project Empowering Youth To Become Social Innovators, realised under the Erasmus+ partnership programme. The project is coordinated by a Czech NGO DYNAMA, z.s., seated in Brno and an Estonian NGO Youth Club Active, seated in Tallinn. This project contributes to the development of non formal learning of the youth.

20. blog post CZ


Krása použitých rýžových pytlů a poškrábaných lahví od koly

Dia je mladá žena, která si je vědoma důsledků lidské činnosti na životní prostředí a kvalitu života. Žije životem studentky dějin umění v Brně a nedávno přišla na naši dílnu na téma sociální inovace a přinesla výsledek svého osobního projektu – tři ručně vyrobené originální baťohy z rýžových pytlů. 

Také přinesla otázku: Jak to udělat, aby si lidé víc uvědomovali dopad svých činů na životní prostředí a na život? Její projekt je osobním příkladem hledání odpovědi, je inspirativní a může podpořit naše přemýšlení o souvislostech. Svůj nápad, kterému projektem dala život, má velký potenciál se dále vyvinout do podoby sociální inovace v oblasti propojování komunit, zacílení pozornosti na redukci dopadů lidské činnosti na životní prostředí, či dokonce navrácení do života již zapomenuté praktiky, které ctily rozumnou spotřebu a redukci odpadů. Lidem to není jedno. Důkaz toho mě zaujal zcela nedávno při obyčejném povídání u kafe, kdy kamarádka popisovala své zážitky z cesty na Filipíny. Představ si, říkala s hlubokým oceněním v hlase a očima zářícíma nadšením: každý týden vezme chudý chlapík z horské vesničky motorku a trmácí se s nákladem prázdných lahví od Coca Coly na vzdálené sběrné místo. Tam čeká na auto, které je vyzvedne a pak se v horku vrací po hrbolaté cestě zpátky. Celá štrapáce mu trvá dobrý půlden! Aniž si to uvědomují, tito jednoduší, drobní a vždycky se usmívající Filipínci tímto dávají použitým lahvím od Coly úžasnou hodnotu – při pití tohoto nápoje můžeš obdivovat krásu poškrábaného skla a zároveň mít hřejivý pocit, že jsi mezi těmi, kdo se opravdu starají o místo, kde žijí. 

1) Co se muselo stát, abys ušila svůj první baťoh?
No, tak především museli mí rodičové jednoho dne koupit 10 kg jasmínové rýže v tak hezkém pytli, že myšlenka na jeho další využití se vynořila v podstatě sama od sebe. Pytel měl samozřejmě potřebnou nosnost a velikost byla taková - baťohová, takže jsem doma sedla za šicí stroj a za chvíli byl na světě prototyp.

2) Co bylo na realizaci Tvého nápadu nejtěžší?
Nejobtížnější bylo rozhodně období před tím, než jsem si pořídila vlastní šicí stroj. Do té doby jsem používala postarší kus, který jsme měli doma, a bohužel to nebyl ten typický případ starého spolehlivého stroje - právě naopak. Veškeré operace s ním zabraly mnohem víc času, než by samy o sobě musely, a to bylo dost demotivující. Taky jsem se ze začátku pochopitelně trošku potrápila s technickým řešením “střihu” batohu a se samotným šitím. Na jednu stranu na tom vlastně nic není, na druhou stranu si člověk musí najít cestičky, jak pracovat s materiálem, který k šití není primárně určený, a moc se u toho nenavztekat.

3) Co si na této zkušenosti nejvíc ceníš?
Ověřila jsem si, že můžu vytvořit velice funkční a produkt pomocí procesu, který je v podstatě opakem klasické produkce, což je pro mě hodně důležité a těší mě, když vidím kamarády, jak mé baťohy často nosí a jsou s nimi spokojení. Taky mě baťohy dovedly k realizaci mého prvního workshopu pro veřejnost, díky kterému jsem získala skvělou zpětnou vazbu na svou práci a zároveň zjistila, že je spousta lidí, kteří by se rádi naučili baťohy z pytlů od rýže vyrábět, a že je v mých možnostech jim během pár hodin know-how předat, takže zručný účastník workshopu může za dvě hodinky odejít s vlastnoručně vyrobeným baťohem.

4) Kdo se s Tebou podílí na realizaci?
Moje skvělá kamarádka Anička je doteď můj nejspolehlivější zásobitel, když přijde na shánění pytlů, vždycky mi nějaké vyprosí na asijské tržnici. Šití prozatím zvládám sama, zásobuju baťohama hlavně kamarády a příležitostné zájemce, kteří baťoh zahlídnou na něčích zádech a zjistí, že po takovém taky touží.

5) Co je na tomto výrobku inovativní?
No, v tom nejužším smyslu je samozřejmě inovativní v tom, že jde o baťoh vyrobený z pytle od rýže, který by buď skončil v koši nebo v lepším případě dál sloužil jako pevný pytel na cokoliv. Pokud z něj však vyrobíme komplexnější produkt, třeba batoh, jednak značně prodloužíme aktivní život takového pytle, ale zároveň není třeba, aby se obdobně funkční produkt vyrobil na druhém konci světa a putoval až k nám. Jednoduše využijeme zdroje, které jsou kolem nás a k dispozici v podstatě v anti-spotřebním duchu.

6) V čem je tato iniciativa užitečná?
Jsem přesvědčená, že velká část klíčových problémů, které jsme si pro sebe jako lidstvo vytvořili, a se kterými se v současnosti potýkáme, má kořeny v poněkud neurvalé produkci a spotřebě. Moje iniciativa je jenom maličký kousek velké mozaiky, ale věřím, že díky působení všech ostatních projektů s podobnou myšlenkou, by postupně mohlo docházet k obecné normalizaci uvědomělejšího způsobu nakládaní s lidskými i přírodními zdroji.

7) Jak plánuješ tuto inovaci dál rozvíjet? 
V brzkém budoucnu se rýsuje rozjetí jednoduchého webu, na kterém budou k omrknutí aktuální baťohy na prodej a možnost mě v případě zájmu kontaktovat. Zároveň bych se ráda víc věnovala workshopům, což vypadá nadějně, na jaře by pár dalších mohlo proběhnout.

8) Co bys vzkázala lidem, kteří by rádi realizovali užitečný nápad?
Těžko vzkázat něco, co nebude znít jako klišé. Zkrátka do toho! Přemýšlejte v souvislostech a inspirujte lidi kolem sebe!

Text Anna
Foto Polina

This blog is a part of the project Empowering Youth To Become Social Innovators, realised under the Erasmus+ partnership programme. The project is coordinated by a Czech NGO DYNAMA, z.s., seated in Brno and an Estonian NGO Youth Club Active, seated in Tallinn. This project contributes to the development of non formal learning of the youth.

Thursday, 3 November 2016 post ENG

Visiting to business school 

Hello everyone!

In this post we will tell you about our visit to the Business school. Three of our members from the Estonian group presented our organisation "Youth Club Active" and our Social Innovation to youngsters from 12 to 16 years old. We told about our main aim and our main idea, about results that we already have and our future plans. We are presenting our project for it's dissemination in Estonia. And as the practice shows, the best way to do it is to spread information through youngsters and children. 

        We do this through the non-formal way of learning. Non-formal learning is now a welcome method of teaching and many organization's and a few schools practice it. Its NON-formal as we have no actual teachers, nor marks, and we do not have to do it, this method is non-compulsory. We choose if we want to make notes or we don't. After our training course we get quite good feedback and sometimes people get really motivated by this idea and they follow our FB page and our Blog. Thanks to these presentations and our project's training course we realise, that we are on the right way! And we can clearly see that our idea of Social Innovation is greatly needed nowdays and from this we get a huge amount of motivation! Step by step to realisation!

This blog is a part of the project Empowering Youth To Become Social Innovators, realised under the Erasmus+ partnership programme. The project is coordinated by a Czech NGO DYNAMA, z.s., seated in Brno and an Estonian NGO Youth Club Active, seated in Tallinn. This project contributes to the development of non formal learning of the youth.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016 post ENG

Halfway to realization

Hello people! The Estonian groups have held a meeting which sure was quite productive. We have been working and thinking how we can progress our idea and finally we solved it.
Estonian idea of social Innovation was described before on our FB page

At the moment we are half way in realising our idea. During working progress we became really aware of how much volunteer works and local events take place in Estonia with a purpose of cleaning forests and parks, but with all that said many people don't take part in this even though it sure is desirable. The biggest problem is that the Estonian Republic is distinguishing a lot of money to clean up the trash that the people have left. This year the organisation RMK has spent 53000€ on cleaning the rubbish left by the people.

We decided that our "Eco Signs" won't be prohibitive or forbidding signs. We adhere to the idea that informing signs will work better. Our plans are to make our signs real and after make a "TEST DRIVE". As we want to check will the people pay attention at our signs.

Useful links:
Organisation of Estonian state forest management
Annual event of cleaning rubbish

This blog is a part of the project Empowering Youth To Become Social Innovators, realised under the Erasmus+ partnership programme. The project is coordinated by a Czech NGO DYNAMA, z.s., seated in Brno and an Estonian NGO Youth Club Active, seated in Tallinn. This project contributes to the development of non formal learning of the youth. post RU

Полпути к реализации

 Привет народ! Сбор эстонской группы был проведен и он был достаточно продуктивным. Мы работали, думали и в конце концов мы выяснили конечную идею. Эстонская идея Социальной Инновации описывалась ранее на нашей странице в FB 

На данный момент мы на полпути к реализации. Во время работы мы узнали, что в Эстонии проводятся много различных волонтерских работ и местных мероприятий с целью очистить леса и парки от мусора, но много людей не принимают в этом участие так, как хотелось бы. Самая большая проблема в том, что Эстонская Республика выделяет очень много денег на уборку мусора, оставленный людьми. В этом году организация RMK потратила 53000 евро на это

Мы решили, что наши ''Eco Signs" не будут запрещающими. Мы преследуем идею, что информирующие знаки будут работать лучше. Наши планы-это сделать сами знаки и опробовать их. Мы хотим проверить как люди будут обращать на них внимание.

Полезные ссылки:
организация по управлению государственными лесами Эстонии.
ежегодная акция по уборке мусора

This blog is a part of the project Empowering Youth To Become Social Innovators, realised under the Erasmus+ partnership programme. The project is coordinated by a Czech NGO DYNAMA, z.s., seated in Brno and an Estonian NGO Youth Club Active, seated in Tallinn. This project contributes to the development of non formal learning of the youth.

Saturday, 24 September 2016 post ENG


Hi everybody! The summer has ended and now we can sum up our results. In frames of "social innovation" project we planned that summer will be a stage for dissemination. During the summer holidays Estonian group worked hard on promotion and advertisement of the project, planning and organizing some events. During this period our team managed to make two trainings/seminars for youngsters in age 13-17 years old, one of the events was in suburban camp Vihasoo and the other one was on our NGO meet-up of members, as well as simply disseminate project idea through talking with people. Eventually, we involved around 150 people in general during the summer. 

 During the trainings "Social innovation", which we organized in the camp, we used many different methods, brainstorming, visual impact as videos, different presentation and simulation game. After the presentation of project Social Innovation we got a lot of feedback from teenagers. They gave us their own ideas of Social Innovations and also we, who presented the project, got lots of positive emotions from them. Everybody was motivated on doing something new. For the presentation we did power point document with relevant links and information about the project. As on the first as well on the second event our audience was interested and motivated from the idea of the project itself. Afterwards we received a few applications for being a part of Estonian team, we proudly can say that our team is growing and gathering motivated participants. Currently we are hardly working on our further ideas to implement those and disseminate - bigger.

This blog is a part of the project Empowering Youth To Become Social Innovators, realised under the Erasmus+ partnership programme. The project is coordinated by a Czech NGO DYNAMA, z.s., seated in Brno and an Estonian NGO Youth Club Active, seated in Tallinn. This project contributes to the development of non formal learning of the youth.

17. blog post RU



Всем привет! Лето закончилось и теперь мы можем подвести итоги. В рамках проекта "Социальная инновация" мы планировали лето как ступень распространения. Во время летних каникул эстонская группа усердно работала над рекламой и продвижением проекта и планирования и проведения мероприятий. В течение этого периода наша команда сумела сделать два тренинга/семинара для подростков в возрасте 13-17, один из семинаров был проведен в лагере Vihasoo и второй на нашей встрече NGO, так же просто как распространить идею проекта через разговоры с людьми. 

В конечном счете мы вовлекли примерно 150 человек в течение лета. Во время тренингов "Социальная инновация", которые мы проводили в лагере Vihasoo, мы использовали много разных методов, таких, как мозговой штурм, визуальное впечатление через видео, разные презентации и симуляционная игра. После презентации проекта "Социальная инновация" мы получили много отдачи от подростков. Они дали нам много своих идей социальных инноваций и так же мы, кто проводили проект, получили множество позитивных эмоций от них. Все были мотивированны сделать что-то новое. Для презентации мы сделали Power Point документ с соответствующими ссылками и информацией о проекте. Как после первого, так и после второго мероприятия публика была мотивированна идеей проекта в общем. После, мы получили несколько заявок на вступление в эстонскую команду. И мы можем с гордостью сказать, что наша эстонская команда растет и собирает мотивированных участников. На данный момент мы усердно работаем над дальнейшими идеями, чтобы их реализовать и распространаться больше.

This blog is a part of the project Empowering Youth To Become Social Innovators, realised under the Erasmus+ partnership programme. The project is coordinated by a Czech NGO DYNAMA, z.s., seated in Brno and an Estonian NGO Youth Club Active, seated in Tallinn. This project contributes to the development of non formal learning of the youth.

Friday, 2 September 2016

16. blog post ENG

Social Innovation around us

Three in one: vanished cross, flowers on railing and children running across the street

In our blog we present social innovations which are a part of our close community. This one is specific – it has just started to evolve and it is in the stage of an initiative of a group of people. So it is more adventurous  - how a social innovation starts and what it has to go through is present real time just behind the corner. Let´s meet the guys: three people and a common interest in one locality; Ivo lives and works here, Markéta runs a laundry here and Míla is interested in the history of the place once guarded by a cross. They have launched a website titled: 

At the little cross. The corner of Lidicka and Luzanecka street in Brno. 
History, presence, prospects.

So, why to to bother at all? Patriot Ivo is quite sensitive about the traffic paradoxes of the place – cars are allowed to use the street along the houses even though there is a broad paralel street just a few meters up.  Not appropriate for the residential area, the traffic without bumpers or other  signage hazzards lives of children stepping carelessly right into the street directly from their homes. An old lady hobbling across the street is not spared either, not to mention a previously sullen kebab bistro guy who is not happy about the idea that his customer who is just about to give his delicious kebab a bite, will send the delicacy into the air scared by a sharp sound of car brakes (in the best case).  

Markéta the entrepreneur introduced the idea to bring some green into the place. Flower pots hanging on the railing next to the tram stop nearby lend the place a new meaning and invite passers by to stop by.

Míla the historian is interested in historical context there. What, for example, happened to the cross which marked the place in the past? She believes it is important to be aware of the historical roots before a change gets its way.   

And where is the innovation in that? To see the answer you would have to be at the corner of Lidická and Lužánecká on May the 18th, 19th and 20th, between the noon and modnight. You would see flowers in pots hanging on the tram stop railing, smiles on the faces of the passers by, would hear music and feel home. The street was closed for the cars and for three days pedestrians could be relieved, relax, stop by or just lazy around. Local pub serves as a base not only for Míla, Ivo and Markéta, but also for a local art group, neighbours and all being around. In Brno the 2016 Week for the City is held and that corner got cosy. For a while, at least, it will be owned more by people than by cars.

Would you like a recipe for such a cool event? Here it is in five steps:

1) Interconnect with those who live and work in the place, who know it and enjoy being there,
2) Think of the current situation and look for a way to improve what causes problems,
3) bring your initiative into a wider platform which is well known, officially recognised and accepted,
4) Activate the neighbours  and together try to learn about the place as much as possible
5) Give the process enough space and keep it evolving, step by step

We asked Ivo, Míla and Markéta for a chat. They agreed immediatelly so we met outside the local pub. Mila´s dog came too. Well – it was carried.

Ivo: „It started about two years ago by my being fed up with the fact that the place was so dangerous. This space was designed in the 60s of the last century and nowadays this conception is not satisfactory any more. I wanted to start communicate with the neighbours, so we made a barbeque party – locals who had lived there for years came and we had a chance to get to know each other; one lady even brought old maps of the place. Then I went around the local residents and asked them to sign a petition for increasing the safety of the place. I also got some politicians interested in our initiative – they like the idea of making this place safer and they welcome this opportunity to develop good practice for improving a disfunctional place in the city. I believe that it can be beautiful here and I feel great potential the place holds. The place should be friendly to all, not to be degraded only to an extra car-serving passage as it is now.

Markéta: My part is to take care of the flowers on the railing opposite the tram stop. It started as a low budget punk-like activity because we did not ask anybody for approval. On the Framework of the 2016 Week for the City event we invited the public to water the flowers as a way of expressing their support.

Ivo: Just following the flowers installation I could feel that something was different: people walking along the railing were smiling. They stopped by, read the information table with interest and took photos of the flowers.

Markéta: I did not know that for this few flower pots on a railing we need to have a permit. What makes the things worse, councillors do not know how to deal with such a situation – the flowers were put there just for enjoyment, with no intention to make money or so. The longer they deal with it, the more complicate it gets. Last time they wanted me to sign a liability statement which probably a director of a nuclear power plant would never need to sign.

Míla: I studied history and this place has attracted my attention. My goal is to bring the vanished cross back, even though it could only be symbolically, and by that to reconnect with genius loci of the place. Things weren´t always ideal – in the past a car ran over a 12-year-old girl. We have collected  pieces of information from the locals – it is believed that the old cross might be traced at a rectory nearby Brno where it was reportedly transported in the past. The point is that if there is not a platform for exchange, people do not have a possibility to share.

Ivo: I moved to Lidická in 2005 and I did not see it way then. Today, I feel that the place can be changed into a nook offering security and inviting people to enjoy their time there as well as neighbour to meet up. Thanks to our step by step policy, new people keep coming, each bringing another inspiration. By interconnection, a change is being realised, the kind we are even not able to oversee.

Ivo, Míla and Markéta´s attitude is greatly inspiring. If I was to describe this type of civic engagement, I would say it is a „lazy“ social innovation. Actually, the first adjective which came to my mind was „slow“ but this has already been taken by cooking enthusiasts. I feel that „lazy“ better encompasses the enjoyment from things happening in the meantime – music is played here, the space smells nicely, voices intermingle and the street chats introduce a new sound element, non present so far. If the iniciative gets completed, at the corner of Lidicka and Luzanecka it will be possible, one day, to stretch lazily and utter: ooh, how beautiful it is just to be around..

Text by Anna
Photo by Polina

This blog is a part of the project Empowering Youth To Become Social Innovators, realised under the Erasmus+ partnership programme. The project is coordinated by a Czech NGO DYNAMA, z.s., seated in Brno and an Estonian NGO Youth Club Active, seated in Tallinn. This project contributes to the development of non formal learning of the youth.